Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Unexpected Hospital Admission

Last week was a really rough week for Caroline at home. She was presenting with various "not well" symptoms all week, especially exhaustion. By Saturday morning, she spiked a fever that led us to an ER visit at Vanderbilt. After getting lab work and nasal swabs done, the provider admitted her to try and figure out what was going on. She got IV fluids, IV antibiotics, a blood transfusion and a platelet transfusion between Saturday and Monday. The viral panel tests and bacterial cultures all came back negative, so we still aren't sure what "infected" her body, but fortunately she is now feeling better and recovering at home and sleeping in her own bed.

Hopefully she can stay healthy until her scheduled progress scans next week (on Tuesday, 1/28). Please pray for great results; we'll post the scan results on the blog asap.

Thank you all for the outreach and support! Once again, we used your DoorDash and UberEats gifts cards all weekend so we didn't have to eat hospital food - MUCH APPRECIATED! 💜

The Lantz Family

Home and feeling much better!

Monday, January 13, 2025

Outpatient Cycle 4 - Complete

Caroline wrapped up Cycle 4 of her treatment today. Rash and itching were the primary side effects during the infusions, but she is safe at home although she's feeling really "yucky" and off.  She will get daily shots to help boost her immune system, which is currently registering at close to zero. Unless she encounters any issues or illnesses, her next scheduled appointment is for progress scans on 1/28 at Vanderbilt.

We're very appreciative of all the prayers, packages, meals and words of inspiration!

The Lantz Family

Friday, January 10, 2025

Cycle Delay for Snow

Clinic is closed today due to snow, so Caroline's last infusion for this cycle of treatment was moved to Monday.  Sending warm wishes to all our friends!

Monday, January 6, 2025

Cycle 4 Underway

Caroline started cycle 4 of her current treatment plan today: Immunotherapy + 2 Chemotherapies. Although nothing "unexpected" happened, it was still a really rough day for her...treatment had to be paused for very scary low blood pressure (57/30!). The team woke her, sat her up, got steroids in her, and gave her some IV fluids before being able to re-start treatment. She also broke out in a really bad rash all over her body, which makes it itch like crazy. It was a long, 7-hour day today in clinic, but thankfully she was able to complete the treatment and is now home resting up for tomorrow's chemotherapies.

As always, the Vandy staff did an amazing job making sure Caroline was safe today, and we can't say enough how appreciative we are for their care!

Thank you for all the prayers, meals, and overall support during this challenging time for our family!

The Lantz Family

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Cycle 3 - Complete

Caroline completed her 3rd cycle of outpatient Immunotherapy + Chemo yesterday, and is now home resting.  Although she had a really rough and scary start to the week, it progressively got better for her, which was a huge relief.

This upcoming week she will do homeschool and rest up as her WBC, RBC and ANC (counts) will inevitably drop post-treatment.  Her next cycle of treatment is scheduled for January 6th, 2025.

We've loved seeing all the #carolinestrong ornaments on your Christmas tress; thank you so much for your continued support for our family. 

Merry Christmas,
The Lantz Family

Riding home after 5 long days at the hospital!

How the day started...

Monday, December 9, 2024

Cycle 3 - Immunotherapy + 2 Chemotherapies

Caroline started the 3rd round of her current treatment plan (Danyelza + Cytoxan + Topotecan).  She had a really challenging time today with the immunotherapy(Danyelza), especially her blood pressure dropping to a scary 49/23 at one point! The treatment needed to be paused twice until she was treated and stabilized.  Additionally, she required oxygen, steroids and other medications for rash and pain.  It was a really tough day, but, she's an even tougher kid!  She is now home resting and will go back in the morning for day 2 tomorrow. We are very grateful for the entire Vanderbilt medical team and their quick actions today!

If you'd like to get a #carolinestrong ornament delivered before Christmas, they're still available to order by clicking this link.

Thankful for all the prayers, meals, love and support!

The Lantz Family

Friday, November 29, 2024

Scan Results on Black Friday (again!)

Caroline spent Black Friday at Vanderbilt today for her treatment progress scans (CT and PET), and lab work...she was originally diagnosed 7 years ago on Black Friday in 2017.

Both of today's scans indicated that the current treatment seems to be working; they are seeing a partial response (some shrinking) in both spots that were identified on the September 10th scan. Additionally, no new lesions were identified on either scan. She still has active disease, but it seems to be heading in the right direction.

She will get daily shots next week to boost her immune system so she can hopefully start Round 3 of this treatment plan (Danyelza immunotherapy + Cyclophosphamide chemo + Topotecan chemo) on Monday, Dec 9th.

While this is definitely news that allows us to breathe for a quick minute, please pray for a continued positive response (and ultimately a cure), as well as for Caroline's (and our family's) continued stamina to fight this awful disease.  

The Lantz Family
Black Friday Scans

Black Friday 2017-2024

Friday, November 8, 2024

Cycle 2 Complete!

Caroline wrapped the second cycle of her new treatment combo of Danyelza + Cytoxan + Topotecan. She's tired and feels yucky overall, so she will rest up this weekend before starting homebound instruction again next week.

Her primary side effects this week were body rash, intense itching, and pain.

She's scheduled for lab work and a clinic visit next Friday (11/15), followed by progress scans on 11/29, which will determine next steps.

Thank you so much for the continuous prayers and support!

The Lantz Family

The rash moves all over her body and causes intense itching; it's excruciating to watch her endure.

When she's getting her treatment, she likes the room completely dark and quiet.

Monday, November 4, 2024

Outpatient Immunotherapy and Chemotherapy

Caroline (finally) "made counts" today and was allowed to start treatment again.   She received an immunotherapy and 2 chemotherapies.

It was a VERY long, rough day full of side effects, including: rash, itching, pain, swelling, and worst/scariest of all was plummeting blood pressure that required them to pause treatment twice.  After some additional steroids and fluids, she was able to complete day one of this week’s cycle.

She will return tomorrow for day 2.

Thank you for all the prayers and gestures of support.

Exhausted and off to bed…

The Lantz Family

Here's a glimpse of the rash (and this wasn't even nearly the worst of it)...

Monday, October 28, 2024

Treatment Delayed (again)

Caroline's ANC (immune system) was still too low to receive treatment today. She is going to get a daily booster shot this week to try and energize up the slow-to-recover cells. 

She was definitely not happy about another delay...cabin fever has set in and she was mentally prepared to continue her battle today.  Luckily, she's able to work with a homebound instructor, in addition to joining her class via Zoom a few times a day, so we'll continue to lay low, keep up with school and try again next Monday.

Thank you for the continued prayers!

The Lantz Family

Ms. Elise was Caroline's homebound teacher in Kindergarten and now 5th grade!

Monday, October 21, 2024

Treatment bumped this week

Caroline went to clinic this morning in hopes of starting the 2nd round of treatment for her relapsed neuroblastoma. Unfortunately, her ANC (immune system) # was too low to be able to safely receive treatment, so she'll try again next Monday...

In the meantime, Caroline will rest at home and try her best to keep up with her school work remotely.  As always, we'll update the blog if there are any changes, or when/if she's able to start treatment again next week.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers,
The Lantz Family

Monday, October 7, 2024


After spending a long weekend at Vanderbilt for fever / fighting off something (undetermined), Caroline was discharged tonight and will now rest and recover at home. Barring any other unexpected issues this week, her next appointment will be Friday in clinic for lab work.

Thanks for all the support and prayers!

The Lantz Family

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Unplanned Hospital Admission

Caroline spiked a fever late yesterday afternoon, which led us to the Vandy ER for bloodwork and a precautionary IV antibiotic. Once a bed opened up on the oncology floor, she was admitted for continued testing and observation. Her ANC (immune system) is currently at 0.0 which means her body has virtually no ability to fight off any viral or bacterial infections.

She will continue to receive IV antibiotics and will also get an IV Leukine infusion to try and help boost her counts. She spiked another fever around 2:30am, so for now we just wait and hope that she can get fever-free and hopefully go home in a couple days.

Overall, Caroline just feels "yucky" and tired today.

She did ask for an Acai bowl from UberEats, and ate a good bit of that, so we are encouraged that she is still eating.

Appreciate the prayers and continued support!

The Lantz Family

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Immunotherapy Update

Caroline completed 2 outpatient infusions of Naxitamab this week...experiencing the expected side effects (mostly pain, itching and rash).   She also got bloodwork done while in clinic; her ANC (immune system) really plummeted over the past few days. Being immunocompromised is tricky because any little virus or bacteria can be very dangerous and land her in the hospital, so we'll keep her at home doing online school until we can get her counts tested again next week.

Although she looks and feels ok today, the inside of her little body has been battered by all the treatments over the (almost) seven years, particularly the harsh chemotherapies.  She is eating well/healthy, and seems to be hanging in there mentally (as well as can be expected battling cancer for the 3rd time).

We're so grateful for all the outreach, prayers, meals and support.

The Lantz Family

Friday, September 27, 2024

Inpatient Cycle 1 Complete

Caroline returned home this morning from 5 days of inpatient treatment which, included 2 different chemotherapies daily + an immunotherapy on 2 of the days. Overall, she tolerated it as well as can be expected...mostly experiencing nausea, body rash and some pain, but all manageable with medication. She rested in her hospital bed for the majority of the stay, but maintained a good appetite and ate well while in the hospital (thank you for the UberEats and DoorDash gift cards!). She's been feeling ok so far at home, but needs to stay on her medication schedule, focus on staying hydrated and continuing to eat healthy (she already requested a large homemade salad from Dad).

We are expecting a cool, rainy weekend in TN, so she will plan on resting and enjoying time with Hank and the family.

Caroline is scheduled to go back to Vanderbilt on Monday and Wednesday of next week for outpatient treatment (immunotherapy) and lab work.

We really appreciate the hard work of the medical team at Vanderbilt to work out the medication scheduling, in addition to the amazing care they provided to C this week! Caroline was officially the first patient to receive Naxitamab at Vandy inpatient.

Many thanks for all the prayers and ongoing offers of support from friends and family near and far! Special shout out to Michelle Prichard for once again coming down to decorate Caroline's hospital room; we love you MP!

Now off to unpack all our hospital bags and rest up for next week's treatment...

The Lantz Family

Monday, September 16, 2024

Revised Treatment Plan for Relapse #2

After consulting with the Vanderbilt medical team (among others), and looking at all safe and reasonable options for care, here is where we have landed for Caroline's treatment plan:

  • 9/23 - 9/27: Inpatient Treatment
    • Cyclophosphamide (chemotherapy) each day, Mon-Fri
    • Topotecan (chemotherapy) each day, Mon-Fri 
    • Naxitamab (immunotherapy) on Tues and Thus

  • 9/30 and 10/2: Outpatient Treatment 
    • Naxitamab (immunotherapy) only
Caroline will probably lose her hair again, in addition to all the other harsh, common side effects - nausea, diarrhea, fever, immunosuppression, joint pain, cough, exhaustion, etc.  She will most likely be out of school for at least 1.5 - 2 weeks, depending on how she's feeling.

Beyond that, the schedule would be to repeat that same cycle again in 4 weeks, then re-scan Caroline to see if we are getting any positive response. 

Margaret has resigned from her job and will focus on making sure Caroline is getting everything she needs during this very difficult time.  Mark and Andrew will also be there every step of the way to support C as she goes through this ugliness once again. 

Thank you for all the messages of encouragement, prayers, and offers to help!  This all just stinks, and we really appreciate knowing that we aren't fighting this alone.

The Lantz Family

Ways to help
#carolinestrong Gear (t-shirts, hats, etc.)
UberEats gift cards (emailed to

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Scan Results - Tumor Growth

Caroline's scans results came back and unfortunately showed growth in the tumor, as well as an additional area of disease in her abdomen.

When we told Caroline the news and discussed potential options this morning, she immediately indicated she still wants to fight, even knowing the treatment options are limited and very harsh.

We're working with her team to decide the next best steps and will update this blog when we have a plan.

We are beyond devastated...and overwhelmed...and really need space to process this blow. We're all exhausted to the core and need to focus our energy on the kids, the best possible outcome for Caroline and keeping our family afloat. Please know that we read all of your supportive texts, messages, etc., but as you can imagine, our responses may be limited right now.

Thank you for the continued love, support and prayers for our family.
~ The Lantz Family

Friday, August 23, 2024

Cycle 2: Complete / #carolinestrong T-Shirts Available

Caroline completed Cycle 2 of immunotherapy today. Although she had some chest pain, itching and a mild rash during the infusion, the side effects were milder overall compared to the first cycle.

She will get the next few weeks "off" before her appointment on September 10th, which will consist of lab work and progress scans to see how/if this treatment is working. We're hopeful she'll be back to school next week and doing as many "normal" and "fun" things as her body allows.

For those interested, #carolinestrong shirts and hoodies are now available online (click here for the link); all proceeds will do directly towards Caroline's medical expenses.

We're so grateful for the ongoing love support and prayers for our family - it means so much!

The Lantz Family

Monday, August 19, 2024

Cycle 2 Update

Caroline started Cycle 2 of her antibody treatment today; assuming all goes according to plan, she will get 3 total infusions this week.  Today’s cycle was relatively uneventful and the lingering side effects (irritable from steroid, itching, some pain and hot flashes) are seemingly under control with medication.

Based on how she felt the day after each treatment last cycle, it is unlikely she will go to school at all this week.  We will update the blog again later this week as this treatment progresses. 

Since we last posted, Caroline has started 5th grade and is doing well adjusting to her new school and has really enjoyed seeing old friends and making new!  She was able to enjoy some fun the last couple of weeks, including a great night out at the local county fair.

For those asking about ways to help: 
- Prayers for minimal side effects and maximum effectiveness 
- Amazon Wishlist (click here for link)

The Lantz Family

double lumen port access = two pokes

So grateful for the attentive nursing team that helped Caroline during the infusion.

Wiped after infusion...side effects under control with medication.

5th Grader!

Williamson County Fair

Friday, July 26, 2024

Cycle 1 = Complete!

Caroline has officially completed Cycle 1 of her treatment plan for her relapsed neuroblastoma. The side effects from this immunotherapy are brutal. Her biggest struggle has been a full body rash that (per C) makes her skin feel like it's on fire from the inside out. She's also struggling with joint pain. It's torturous to witness; we can only imagine how it feels for Caroline.  It's been an exhausting, traumatic week that we're ready to put behind us.

Caroline has a couple appointments over the next few weeks and will start Cycle 2 the week of August 19th.  Please continue to pray that this treatment is working and that her side effects become more manageable.

Thank you for your continued love and support - the meals and gift cards have been a tremendous help and are greatly appreciated.

The Lantz Family

this pic was taken in the middle of the infusion - in addition to it being VERY painful, it also spikes her body temperature and causes joint pain (hence the ice packs and compression gloves)

Margaret had surgery yesterday, so Andrew went with Mark to meant so much to C that he was able to go, especially because it's one of his least favorite places...

Monday, July 22, 2024

Infusion 1 Complete!

Caroline completed her first immunotherapy infusion today; she was able to get through with minimal side effects.  She had some pain and discomfort during the treatment but it was successfully managed with IV pain medicine.  Every child reacts differently to these treatments, but relative to what we've been reading, she did very well!  Her reactions/side effects can change during future infusions, we are pleased with how her body responded.

As we move into the evening hours at home, Caroline is having some additional pain in her legs, as well as a full body rash (both common from this treatment).  So far, we've been able to manage both the pain and itching with meds at home.

Major kudos to everyone on her medical team at Vanderbilt.  Caroline is officially the FIRST patient at Vandy to ever receive this medicine!  Her team worked diligently to prepare for any and all potential risks/side effects, and it showed.  We're beyond thankful to the doctors, nurses, child life specialist, and pain management team for being ready to roll today.

Caroline will now get a day to rest/recover at home before her next scheduled infusion on Wednesday.  

We will continue to update the blog along the way...

Thank you for all the well wishes, meals, thoughtful gifts and prayers!

The Lantz Family

Starting the 1st dose of Cycle 1

Friday, July 19, 2024

Port Placement, Bone Marrow Biopsy, CT Scan / Ways to Help

Today was a very long, full day at the hospital for Caroline.

CT Scan Results: showed slight growth in the tumor size from her last scan 3.5 weeks ago; no other disease was identified on today's scan.

Bone Marrow Biopsy: her team is confident they got a good sample for testing; we expect results back early next week.

Port Placement: Caroline had a double-lumen power port surgically placed under her skin, on the upper right side of her body, which will be used for all upcoming treatments and blood work.

The plan is to rest and recover at home this weekend and then begin the new antibody/immunotherapy treatment Monday morning. 

We've so grateful for the outpouring of love, prayers and requests for ways to support our family as we walk this path again...we also really appreciate your patience as we worked through Caroline's treatment options. Now that we have a plan, we've been able to create a list of things that will be the most helpful to our family as we move forward.

Gift cards (digital gift cards can be emailed to 
- Walmart (groceries & gas)
- Publix (prescriptions & groceries)
- Visa
- Amazon
- UberEats
- DoorDash 

Amazon Wishlist (click here for link)

Thank you for the amazing support and continued prayers,
The Lantz Family


Thursday, July 11, 2024

Treatment Start Date

We (finally) have a plan and start date!  Caroline will begin treatment for her 2nd relapse of Neuroblastoma with the following timeline:

July 17th-21st: oral medication and shots to prep her body for treatment

July 19th: port placement, a CT scan to use as a start of treatment benchmark, and a repeat of the bone marrow biopsy that was inconclusive a couple weeks ago

July 22nd: begin a cycle of an antibody/immunotherapy that she has not yet received.  It is a VERY painful treatment, with the potential for many other side effects.  We're hoping it can be managed in clinic/outpatient with various medications.  

For now, the plan is to do a couple cycles of this new treatment and then re-scan her again in September.   The results of that scan will guide us on potential next steps in her treatment plan (more antibody, radiation, other potential therapies, etc.).

We really appreciate all the offers to help and your patience as we've been slow to respond - the past few weeks but been intense...most days ending with more questions than answers.  Our friend Michelle is working on a meal train - we will post the link on the blog for anyone who would like to help in that way. 

Thank you for all the support and prayers.  Please keep them coming!

The Lantz Family

Hoping the "lucky" double cherry that she pulled today comes through for her!

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

MIBG Scan / Update(ish)

Caroline's latest updates: 

~ the spot that appeared on Caroline's CT and PET scans last week also show up in her MIBG scan today, which confirms Neuroblastoma; all 3 of the scans picked up the single spot, which is also the same location as her 2022 relapse.

~ the Bone Marrow Biopsy sample from last week was inconclusive in determining if she has disease in her marrow, so Vanderbilt will repeat that test on 7/19.  Her bone marrow is really "beat" up after so many years of treatment, so not only is it hard to get a really good sample, it's also very painful for a few days following the procedure.

~ We've spent countless hours researching and consulting with multiple other hospitals and specialists across the country regarding potential treatments, clinical trials, etc.  We are in the process of getting a formal second opinion from Memorial Sloane Kettering in NYC and hope to hear their feedback sometime next week after they present Caroline's case to their internal Tumor Board.  

~ Caroline's case was presented to Vanderbilt's Tumor Board this afternoon and we are in continuous conversations to discuss their proposed treatment options.

Nothing about this process is quick, comforting or easy to digest...we've officially added "overwhelmed" to our shock and devastation.  We are hoping to have a plan in place by the end of next week and will post the update/plan on the blog as soon as we've decided.  In the meantime, thank you for all the prayers and offers of support.

The Lantz Family

90-minute MIBG scan laying perfectly still without sedation - she's a rockstar!!!

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Quarterly Scans - Relapse #2

We received horrible news yesterday: both routine imaging scans (PET and CT) showed a spot in Caroline's chest that appears to be relapsed Neuroblastoma. It's in the same area as her first relapse in 2022. There is no standard of care for this, so we don't have any more news at this time.

Next steps:
- bone marrow biopsy tomorrow (6/27)
- meet with her medical team on Friday (6/28) to review potential treatments or clinical trials available locally and around the country
- MIBG injection and scan (7/2 and 7/3 respectively) 

We will update the blog as we get info along the way, but for now, please just pray for our beautiful little girl.

The Lantz Family

can you tell she'll officially be a "tween" in a couple weeks with that side eye?

Monday, March 25, 2024

March Scan Results / Podcast

Caroline recently had her quarterly scans and tests to check for any signs of potential recurring Neuroblastoma disease. Fortunately, she still remains No Evidence Of Disease and will continue taking her DFMO maintenance medication daily!  We're so grateful for the continued thoroughness and diligent work from her medical team at Vanderbilt (and Levine).

Caroline and our family have some busy months ahead, as we are honored to participate in various fundraisers in TN and FL for Vanderbilt and the Beat Childhood Cancer Foundation.  We'll post updates and pictures on the blog in the coming months!

In other news: in April 2023, Margaret recorded a podcast for our friend, Jennifer Reid, who has worked hard for the past year to ink a deal with iHeart Radio to get her 'A Woman Like You' series officially off the ground. It finally launched earlier this year, and Margret’s episodes were just released.  You can check out Margaret’s 2-part episode (focuses on cancer and mental health) by clicking on the links below:

Thank for for the prayers and support.  We'll keep moving forward...
The Lantz Family

IV for PET Scan

CT Scan

Prepping for biopsy


April 2023 - Margaret filmed the podcast during Caroline's 14th cycle...

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Scan Results / DFMO Approval

We had a rather stressful holiday season that consisted of multiple visits to Vanderbilt and a trip to Levine Children's Hospital in Charlotte.

  • December 19th: Labs, CT Scan, PET Scan, Clinic visit and and a blood transfusion @ Vanderbilt
  • December 20th: we received news that the PET scan was clear, but the CT scan showed a spot of concern on the bone in Caroline’s pelvic area.  After discussing with Caroline's medical team and a surgeon, we decided to move forward with a biopsy to rule out another relapse.  As an extra precaution, they also decided to do a bi-lateral bone marrow biopsy while Caroline was already sedated.
  • December 22nd: Traveled to Levine Children's in Charlotte, NC for a Clinic visit and DFMO refill
  • December 28th: Caroline was sedated for a bi-lateral bone marrow biopsy in her lower back and a CT-guided biopsy of the concerning spot on her right pelvic bone
  • January 3rd:  After delayed test results due to the holiday, we received news that BOTH BIOPSIES ARE CLEAR of any cancer

After almost 3 weeks incomprehensible anxiety and fear, we are able to exhale a little and try and reset as we move into the new year.  We're so thankful for Dr. Smith and the entire medical team for acting so quickly to get us clarity!

On another note, we are thrilled to celebrate that after a decade, the FDA approved DFMO (now called "iwilfin") for maintenance treatment of Neuroblastoma.  Soon, the drug will be available for all doctors to prescribe anywhere in the United States.  Special thanks to Dr. Sholler, Pat Lacey and the entire BEATCC team for working with US WorldMeds and the FDA to get this done!  The approval of DFMO is the first pediatric cancer drug ever to approved without a double blind placebo study.  Click here to read all about the precedent-setting approval...simply amazing!

Wishing you all peace and health in 2024,
The Lantz Family

Walking herself back to surgery

In recovery, waking up from sedation

Leaving Levine Children's with DFMO!

DFMO - now called "iwilfin"

Friday, November 24, 2023

6 Year Cancer-versary

On this exact day - Black Friday, November 24, 2017, Caroline was diagnosed with Stage IV, High-Risk Neuroblastoma.  6 years later, November 24, 2023, another Black Friday, we took a drive down to the hospital for the annual "Snowman picture."  

Team Lantz - still standing 6 years later...

Thank you for your continued love, support and prayers for our family!