Thursday, April 12, 2018

CT Scan Update - Surgery Date

We got a call from Caroline's doctor late this afternoon, and they reported that the CT Scan showed "significant" reduction in the shape and size of the tumor.  They also noticed an increase in calcification within her tumor, which indicates more dead cancer cells.  This is all good news!

Surgery to remove the tumor is scheduled for April 27th.

After surgery, Caroline will have approximately 9-12 months of treatment left, which includes: months of inpatient hospital stays, various scans, 2 rounds of high-dose chemo, 2 stem cell transplants, radiation, immunotherapy and a clinical trial.

Today was also extra special because Caroline was able to play in the gorgeous TN weather with Molly and Jamison for a few hours!  We were so happy our families could be together outside of the hospital.

We are very grateful for all your support to date...please keep the prayers coming for the long, tough road ahead.

Celebrating the wins,
The Lantz Family


  1. ❤️❤️❤️ #CAROLINESTRONG ❤️❤️❤️

  2. So thankful! We are celebrating the wins with you all.

  3. That is wonderful news. Keep fighting Caroline. ��

  4. This is such amazing news. Everyone is behind this fight with Caroline! Keep it up amazing girl!

  5. Praise GOD! Answered prayers.

  6. Praise God for such an awesome report. Such sweet pictures of all the kids getting to play together. God sure knew what He was doing when He brought your families together. We will be praying for Caroline and Molly as the continue to heal.

  7. Tears of joy for this answered prayer. Continued prayers to the finish line! I hear the slots say keep your eyes on him and the prize at the end. Love you!

  8. Great news! We'll keep thinking of you, but hope this is the first of many good signs to come.

  9. Such wonderful news!!! I've been hoping and hoping and hoping...long road ahead but this is such great momentum. Love to you all!!

  10. What a wonderful way to wake up this morning with the wonderful news! Your little girl means the world to so many strangers. Happy for this moment where you can celebrate a bit of hapoy. #carolinestrong💗💗💗💗

  11. Dr. Robert Morse has had great success helping those with tumors/cancer through the diet. He has many videos on YouTube about many health issues. What you are eating can play a huge role in beating this for good. Prayers to you!

  12. God bless you caroline and family,your so strong and very inspirational.
