Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Jekyll and Hyde

Yikes!  Well, week 2 of round 2 of the anti-body Immuotherapy is officially underway, and Caroline's temperament and comfort level did a complete 180 since beginning the IV infusions of Unituxin, IL-2 and Dilaudid this morning.  She will receive this infusions all week, with the Unituxin running for 20 hours per day, and the IL-2 running 24 hours per day.  We are hoping to have the infusions completed on Saturday, and get discharged on Saturday or Sunday.  This will be the hardest week of Immunotherapy to date, and we expect many side effects throughout the week, including: high fever, extreme nerve pain (and generalized pain), itching, severe irritability/mood swings, low oxygen levels, nausea and loss of appetite.  It is beyond hard and stressful to watch her endure this much.

Please pray for her comfort...and our sanity this week!!!

The Lantz Family


  1. We are keeping your sweet girl in our prayers every single day and I am so sorry that you're all having to go through this. I hate cancer so much. Much love to all of you and know that you are being prayed for.

  2. Prayers for Caroline! We continue to lift you all up in prayer every night! Thinking of you always!

  3. Prayers for Caroline Strong! Lifting you all up. Much love

  4. Prayers for Caroline tonite.

  5. Prayers will continue til she beats this. You have an army of Prayer Warriors holding her and all of you Margaret. Much love to y'all.

  6. I am so sorry about the mood swings as a side effect for Caroline's treatment. This may be the hardest week yet, but know that we all are continuing to pray for Caroline & your family!

  7. Saying prayers for Caroline. Please God help heal this little angel and give her family strength to see this through. I follow all your updates but I don’t comment because I’m often in tears just hurting for this little girl and I’m at a loss for words. If she is anything like her mama she’s a fighter and she will overcome! I have faith.
