Sunday, February 18, 2018

Bacterial Infection / Gratitude

Caroline was admitted to the hospital on Thursday (2/15) for a fever, which turned out to be a symptom of a bacterial strep infection.  Her fever is down, the bacteria strain has been diagnosed, and is under control (so far) with IV antibiotics.  She is still in the hospital waiting for her counts to be high enough for discharge...we're thinking that might be Monday or Tuesday.  Caroline will have to go home with a once-a-day IV antibiotic.  She will still get her progress CT Scan on Monday (2/19), although we do not know when we will get the results of the scan.  We're hoping she's still able to be admitted on Friday (2/23) for Chemo - Round 5.

THANK YOU to everyone who has reached out with prayers, texts, emails, voice messages, cards, meals, gifts, care packages, handwritten notes and fundraising efforts.  We are more grateful than we will ever be able to adequately express, and we appreciate EVERY ONE OF YOU! We are absolutely blown away by the huge army of support behind Caroline and our family.

We still have a lot of friends and family reaching out to ask how they can help (thank you!), so rather than reply individually, we wanted to put everything in one convenient place, and include direct links.  Here are some of the ways you can help us currently should you feel moved to do so:

Give Blood

Food Delivery Gift Card Options:

Caroline has received so many amazing toys and crafts over the past few months!  Margaret has put her OCD skills to work and organized all of those goodies by category, and sorted them into bins that we can easily take back and forth to treatment; they really do help Caroline pass the time in clinic and in the hospital.  We are in great shape with those items for the foreseeable future - thank you!

It's also been very special to watch Andrew feel included; he definitely feels all the love!

Admission day - getting antibiotics, blood and platelets.

Uncle Peter came from Baltimore to visit!

With thankful hearts,
Mark, Margaret, Andrew & Caroline

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