Friday, September 27, 2024

Inpatient Cycle 1 Complete

Caroline returned home this morning from 5 days of inpatient treatment which, included 2 different chemotherapies daily + an immunotherapy on 2 of the days. Overall, she tolerated it as well as can be expected...mostly experiencing nausea, body rash and some pain, but all manageable with medication. She rested in her hospital bed for the majority of the stay, but maintained a good appetite and ate well while in the hospital (thank you for the UberEats and DoorDash gift cards!). She's been feeling ok so far at home, but needs to stay on her medication schedule, focus on staying hydrated and continuing to eat healthy (she already requested a large homemade salad from Dad).

We are expecting a cool, rainy weekend in TN, so she will plan on resting and enjoying time with Hank and the family.

Caroline is scheduled to go back to Vanderbilt on Monday and Wednesday of next week for outpatient treatment (immunotherapy) and lab work.

We really appreciate the hard work of the medical team at Vanderbilt to work out the medication scheduling, in addition to the amazing care they provided to C this week! Caroline was officially the first patient to receive Naxitamab at Vandy inpatient.

Many thanks for all the prayers and ongoing offers of support from friends and family near and far! Special shout out to Michelle Prichard for once again coming down to decorate Caroline's hospital room; we love you MP!

Now off to unpack all our hospital bags and rest up for next week's treatment...

The Lantz Family

1 comment:

  1. I love Carolyns room decorations! So thankful to get this inpatient week finished! Praying for a good weekend at home for your family! You are all rocks stars! Prayers for this to be a path of healing! Love you all!
